Our actions always refer to our core values: responsibility, trust, dignity.

The monkey’s fist - a special sailor's knot - expresses the meaning of these values, which are reflected in the three basic colors, in many facets.

The color red embodies
Obligation to ensure that everything goes as well as possible, that what is necessary and right in each case is done, and that as little harm as possible occurs.

In the context of health, responsibility means not harming others and taking care of oneself or one's health to the best of one's knowledge and ability. Accordingly, the patient's will as the ultimate expression of personal responsibility is the highest good.

The color blue embodies
Firm belief in the reliability of a person or thing.

In our context, trust means the basis of the valuable relationship with and between staff, project partners and people of our target groups.

The color golden yellow embodies
respectful value inherent in a human being and the importance attached to it for that reason.

In our understanding, the dignity of a human being is the ultimate good. In particular, medical action and health care should be fundamentally guided by this value. We actively address the conflict with regards of a person’s dignity emerging from exploiting all medical possibilities.

In everything we do, the dignity of everyone involved is at the centre.





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