Mission statement

Lived values ​​and activities
  • self-conception and principles of the foundation
  • a basis for achieving common goals


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Who we caring for?

Emergency patients

People with chronic
(life-limiting) diseases

People who get or may get into difficult situations due to war, crisis or force majeure

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Our Logo

Our mission is reflected in the foundation logo: An eternity sign with two hearts. This symbolizes our promise: Giving constantly and tirelessly new impulses to your health care.

Our logo motivates us every day to work together and fulfill our mission.

The center of the logo is adorned by a monkey’s fist - a special sailor's knot - which symbolizes our core values.

Monkey’s fist
expression of our values

In our actions we always refer to the following three values: responsibility, trust, dignity.

The monkey’s fist - a special sailor's knot - expresses the meaning of these values, which are reflected in the three primary colors, in many facets.





Founder`s Words

In my day-by-day experience well-being is not to be taken granted. Maintaining your own health means taking responsibility. For yourself and others ...
Manuel G. Burkert

Manuel G. Burkert

Anesthesiologist, Emergency physician, Intensive care physician, Palliative physician, Nutritionist

Faces of the Foundation

Manuel G. Burkert
Manuel G. Burkert

Chairman of the Board

Simone Arvad
Simone Arvad

Vice Chairman of the Board

Danka Gerger
Danka Gerger

Foundation manager


Stiftung Reanima® Help
Am Seedeich 29
27472 Cuxhaven (Germany)